Common email programs include Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird, and Eudora on Windows, and Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Eudora, and Entourage on Macintosh. You can use "email client software" on your computer to manage your email.Typically there are two ways you can use a computer to access your email: Computer B is the newer computer on which you will start getting your email as well.Computer A is the older computer you've been using to get your email, and which you'll continue to use for your email going forward.In order to succinctly describe the different ways you can get your email on more than one computer, let's say that: Have it Leave copies of your messages on the server.Have it Remove your messages from the mailbox on the server (the typical behavior), or.

Box every time you visit, when your computer gets your email you can choose to: However, unlike the Post Office, which expects you to empty out your P.O. Companies like Comcast, AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, Verizon, Godaddy and others all have email servers for their email customers. Your email server is your "virtual post office," and it stores your mailbox on computers that belong to your email service. Instead it eventually arrives in your mailbox on your email server, where it waits for your computer to get it, along with any other messages that may have arrived in your mailbox. Similarly, when I send you an email, it doesn't go directly to your computer. Box and waits for you to go there to get it, along with any other mail that's collected in your box. When I mail a letter to you, it eventually arrives in your P.O. Having an email account is very similar to having a P.O. This is not difficult to arrange, but first it's important to understand a little about how email works "behind the scenes." Wherever you may be, it would be useful if you could also get your email on this second computer. Recently you got a second computer, which you may simply use elsewhere in your home or office, or when you travel. You've been sending and receiving email using your computer for quite some time now.